Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

The Developing Realistic Mathematics Education of Learning Cylinder in Junior High School Class IX

Mathematics is viewed as an activity, a way of working.  Learning mathematics means doing mathematics, of which solving everyday life problem is an essential part.
The aims of teaching learning of mathematics in Junior High School covers:
1.    To understand the concepts of mathematics, to explain the relationships among them and to apply them to solve the problems accurately and efficiently.
2.    To develop thinking skills to learn patterns and characteristics of mathematics, to manipulate them in order to generalize, to proof and to explain ideas and mathematics propositions.
3.    To develop problems solving skills which covers understanding the problems, outlining mathematical models, solving them and estimating the outcomes.
4.    To communicate mathematics ideas using symbols, tables, diagrams and other media.
5.    To develop appreciations of the uses of mathematics in daily lifes, curiosity, consideration, and willingness to learn mathematics as well as tough and self-confidence.
Realistic mathematics education is one effective way to teach mathematics is abstract. In learning activities, teachers teach the material to relate it to everyday life. A lot can be connected between mathematics with everyday life.
Realistic mathematics education is divided into four sections relating to each other, namely:
1.    Concrete Mathematics
Concrete mathematics is the introduction of a material by connecting it with things that exist in everyday life. Here students are encouraged to know first what is the basis of the material. For example, in teaching the tube, students can be directed first at a building in the shape of a tube. For example, the tower in Pisa, the students know the shape of the tower of Pisa then students will also have the idea that a picture of a tube is a building shaped like a tower of Pisa.
2.    Concrete Model of Mathematics
Concrete models of mathematics is a picture that can represent the original. Once students know the original, then invited the students to be able to describe it in the form of a picture that represents the original.
3.    Formal Model of Mathematics
Here the authors also use the image above to explain how the shape of a tube if drawn. From the image, then students are asked to identify how the properties of the tube. Then students can make using a paper tube.
4.    Formal Mathematics
Mathematics builds on formal logic.It has been written with symbol mathematics such as number and symbol. In the book "Mathematics for Junior High School Class IX" (Marsigit, 2009), the author invites students to find a formula for the volume and surface area of the cylinder tube.
Realistic mathematics education can be accomplished if a teacher is able to understand and connect mathematics to the material things that exist in everyday life. Teachers need to know about concrete mathematics, concrete models of mathematics, formal models of mathematics, and formal mathematics.
References :
Marsigit . 2009.Mathematics For Junior High School Year 3. Jakarta: Yudhistira

Develop a Mathematics Teaching Learning Activities become Innovative

A good teacher is to prepare teachers to teach everything neatly. Teachers plan learning activities that will neatly make teaching and learning in the classroom neat too. Therefore, if you want education, especially advanced mathematics education in Indonesia, as teachers prepare everything neatly. Prepare a syllabus, lesson plans, instructional media, and the other well, the learning activities will go well and this is one effort to promote education in Indonesia.

The most fundamental thing in preparing for mathematics learning activities in the classroom as a teacher should know and be able to develop curriculum syllabus and lesson plans are well used. The curriculum is being used today for the education unit in Indonesia is the Education Unit Level Curriculum. In principle, the curriculum is an integral part of the SI, but the development submitted to the school to fit the needs of the school itself. SBC consists of educational level of the education objectives, structure and level of the education curriculum, education calendar and syllabus. The implementation of SBC, as set out in the regulation of the Minister of National Education No. 24 of 2006 on the Implementation of SI and SKL, determined by the principal after taking into consideration of the school committee. In other words, the implementation is left entirely to the school curriculum, in the sense that there is no intervention from the Department of Education or the Ministry of Education. SBC in addition to involving the preparation of teachers and employees also involve the school committee and if necessary, experts from local universities. With the involvement of the school committee in the preparation of the curriculum is structured curriculum will be in accordance with the aspirations of the people, situations and environmental conditions and community needs. Of this curriculum, teachers can then create the indicators. Teachers are expected to make the indicators that could make students actively in learning activities.
A good curriculum is said to be good if we could make a contextual teaching and learning activities, to be built, making the math becomes realistic, able to solve basic problems in learning, and able to make a co-operative education. With curriculum, educational development can be achieved by learning how to create a design based on the design above. This is called an innovative learning.
The method used in class is also very important role because of the success or failure of learning also depends on the method used by the teacher. The method can be used by teachers such as problem-solving method, the method of discussion, inquiry, investigation methods, individual, and methods of forming small groups.
In addition to considering methods of teaching, teachers should also be able to develop some teaching materials, namely:
1.    Lesson Plan
2.    Students’ Work Sheet
3.    Modul
4.    Handout
5.    Text book
6.    Teaching aids

Educational development in Indonesia especially mathematics education can only work if teachers are able to develop a curriculum to be indicators that can make students become active and able to develop their own knowledge but also through the guidance of teachers. Teachers also must be able to make a contextual learning, building, making mathematics be realistic, able to solve basic problems, and create a cooperative teaching.
In addition, teachers also need to make learning come alive and running smoothly with a variety of methods used. The methods can be used to vary the method of discussion, problem solving, inquiry, investigation, practical work, and small group discussion. Teachers also need to develop teaching materials that lesson plan, students' work sheets, modules, handouts, textbooks, and teaching aids.

References :

Selasa, 06 Maret 2012


Most people have heard that it's difficult to learn mathematics. Why is that? Is that difficult? Is it possible for being too abstract? Mathematics is an abstract class, but not impossible difficult to learn. Whether or not it is difficult to learn mathematics is influenced by various factors. Factors that could be from students and from teachers. Of teachers is a big factor, especially in the use of the method. Do teachers teach only explain or to innovate? A teacher must know and understand about the comparison between traditional and innovative teaching mathematics.
Teaching mathematics in a "Transfer of Knowledge" by the teacher is the traditional method and is less effective. A teacher should let the students themselves who find their knowledge in their own way but remains guarded and not deviate from what is taught. For example, in the teaching of the surface area of a cube. Using props and asks students to find their own cube surface area will greatly help students increase their creativity. This is called teaching by building their own knowledge, but still get guidance from the teacher. The way teaching is more effective to use than teaching in a "Transfer of Knowledge".
A good teacher is a teacher who gives the facility, not as a leader or control the course of teaching and learning activities. Let the students themselves who are looking for how the settlements existing problems in learning mathematics. If they find it difficult, then served as their mentor teacher.
Teach abstract mathematics can not be expository only be done with it. In addition will only make you tired teachers and students, expository method is less appropriate when used to teach these things in abstract mathematics. Use another method in which if the more effective. For example, the method of discussion, guided discovery method, use props, linked with everyday life, and others. This is obviously very helpful and more effective when compared with expository method alone.
Teaching mathematics in a "Transfer of Knowledge", the teacher as an actor or a leader of learning activities, and the expository method is the traditional way of teaching that are less effectively implemented. In contrast to the teaching of mathematics by means of "Construct of Knowledge" of the student, the teacher is a facilitator, and the variation of the method performed in the study. This is called an innovative way of teaching. In essence the students are the main actors in the study. There is a concrete example of each of us as a teacher. Are we including the use of traditional ways of teaching or the use of innovative ways of teaching?