Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

Develop a Mathematics Teaching Learning Activities become Innovative

A good teacher is to prepare teachers to teach everything neatly. Teachers plan learning activities that will neatly make teaching and learning in the classroom neat too. Therefore, if you want education, especially advanced mathematics education in Indonesia, as teachers prepare everything neatly. Prepare a syllabus, lesson plans, instructional media, and the other well, the learning activities will go well and this is one effort to promote education in Indonesia.

The most fundamental thing in preparing for mathematics learning activities in the classroom as a teacher should know and be able to develop curriculum syllabus and lesson plans are well used. The curriculum is being used today for the education unit in Indonesia is the Education Unit Level Curriculum. In principle, the curriculum is an integral part of the SI, but the development submitted to the school to fit the needs of the school itself. SBC consists of educational level of the education objectives, structure and level of the education curriculum, education calendar and syllabus. The implementation of SBC, as set out in the regulation of the Minister of National Education No. 24 of 2006 on the Implementation of SI and SKL, determined by the principal after taking into consideration of the school committee. In other words, the implementation is left entirely to the school curriculum, in the sense that there is no intervention from the Department of Education or the Ministry of Education. SBC in addition to involving the preparation of teachers and employees also involve the school committee and if necessary, experts from local universities. With the involvement of the school committee in the preparation of the curriculum is structured curriculum will be in accordance with the aspirations of the people, situations and environmental conditions and community needs. Of this curriculum, teachers can then create the indicators. Teachers are expected to make the indicators that could make students actively in learning activities.
A good curriculum is said to be good if we could make a contextual teaching and learning activities, to be built, making the math becomes realistic, able to solve basic problems in learning, and able to make a co-operative education. With curriculum, educational development can be achieved by learning how to create a design based on the design above. This is called an innovative learning.
The method used in class is also very important role because of the success or failure of learning also depends on the method used by the teacher. The method can be used by teachers such as problem-solving method, the method of discussion, inquiry, investigation methods, individual, and methods of forming small groups.
In addition to considering methods of teaching, teachers should also be able to develop some teaching materials, namely:
1.    Lesson Plan
2.    Students’ Work Sheet
3.    Modul
4.    Handout
5.    Text book
6.    Teaching aids

Educational development in Indonesia especially mathematics education can only work if teachers are able to develop a curriculum to be indicators that can make students become active and able to develop their own knowledge but also through the guidance of teachers. Teachers also must be able to make a contextual learning, building, making mathematics be realistic, able to solve basic problems, and create a cooperative teaching.
In addition, teachers also need to make learning come alive and running smoothly with a variety of methods used. The methods can be used to vary the method of discussion, problem solving, inquiry, investigation, practical work, and small group discussion. Teachers also need to develop teaching materials that lesson plan, students' work sheets, modules, handouts, textbooks, and teaching aids.

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