Senin, 26 September 2011


1.      Stages use calculators as a tool
Stages use calculators as a learning tool IV mathematics at SMK Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, can be done as follows:
The first stage is the stage of understanding of the significance calculator
graph. The essence of the understanding process is explained in basic and detail about the graphing calculator.
The second stage is the stage of understanding the theory and use of calculators graphs in equations and inequalities to solve problems. Process The second is focused on how students understand the command, symbolic manipulation, and graphs to solve problems and equations inequalities with graphing calculator.
The third stage, namely stage of entering data about the calculator
graph. The process of entering data into the calculator about the process move the language into the language of mathematics in terms of graphing calculators.
The fourth stage is the stage interpretation of the graphing calculator screen and draw conclusions.
Of the five above process, can mean that students will experienced the process in a row. This means that the process
is an inductive process.
2.  Use of graphing calculator
From research conducted, noting there are some aspects use the graphing calculator in learning mathematics as
a. Graphing calculator is useful to determine and match graphic images
b. Graphing calculator is useful to determine and match answer set penyelesaiaan
c. Graphing calculator to give you real experience of graphic images.
d. Settlement about equations and inequalities can be use the command, symbolic manipulation and graphics.
e. Graphing calculator is useful to provide answers previously calculated without a calculator and accelerate the completion metematika matter.
f. The constraints experienced by students in using the calculator graph is a mathematical paraphrase sentences into the languages calculator and disclose any appearance of the calculator screen to
in mathematical sentences.
g. With the graphing calculator in the learning process math lessons and math becomes more attractive math problem solving easier.
h. If the use of graphing calculators with no offset capabilities for understand the operating procedures and mathematical thinking, it can be cause high levels of dependence, loss
kepercaan themselves, and lazy thinking.


By: Dr. Marsigit, M.A.
Reviewed by: Wahyu Sujatmiko (09301244041)

Penelitian ini telah memberikan peneliti wawasan ke dalam peran yang berbeda dari  esetiaan epistemis dan aksesibilitas bahan pembelajaran fisik. Para peneliti berpendapat bahwa kesetiaan epistemis diperlukan untuk mengajar aman didasarkan konsep dengan model, sedangkan aksesibilitas mempromosikan keterlibatan kelas kaya. Epistemis kesetiaan dan aksesibilitas memiliki peran yang berbeda dalam pembentukan transparansi. Dari semua temuan tersebut, penulis berusaha untuk mengembangkan metode untuk mengungkap apa yang ada di balik konsep.
Lebih dari semua, kita berkaitan dengan siswa status pengetahuan matematika menghasilkan dengan memanipulasi dengan bahan fisik, dalam skema dari Greimas 'Hermenetics Analisis Struktural. Jika perbedaan antara dua jenis persepsi masih mitos, maka kita masih bisa berdebat pada status pengetahuan matematika. Seperti diakui oleh para peneliti bahwa beberapa bahan manipulatif dapat mengganggu tafsir dan terbuka, bisa menjelaskan dengan teori doubleaffection karena fakta bahwa para guru sudah akrab dengan konsep-konsep yang disajikan. Penulis memandang bahwa gagasan Kant tentang penampilan dalam diri mereka dan hal dalam diri mereka sendiri berguna untuk menjelaskan masalah visibilitas dan / atau tembus dari perangkat mekanik.
Dalam jangka waktu dan ruang seperti yang diberitahukan oleh Kant, mungkin pengaruh persepsi siswa objek. Oleh karena itu, guru perlu mempekerjakan orang-orang semacam faktor sebagai mendukung satu dalam belajar mengajar matematika. Hubungan antara fitur perangkat dan target pengetahuan yang sangat intensif untuk menjadi dibahas oleh Kant Kritis tentang Murni Alasan. Umum teori aspek mengajar matematika proses belajar adalah untuk mengejar dalam jangka waktu hubungan  Mahasiswa sebagai subjek dan fisik materi sebagai objek dalam skema Greimas 'Hermenetics Struktural Analisis. Upaya untuk mengejar mereka hubungan akan menentukan tingkat kualitas titik filsafat tampilan.


By: Dr. Marsigit, M.A.
Reviewed by: Wahyu Sujatmiko (09301244041)

Saat ini gambaran masyarakat Indonesia secara dinamis perubahan yang sangat cepat dari semua aspek kehidupan, ia menawarkan harapan dan tantangan. Berbasis sekolah kurikulum dapat menjadi titik awal untuk matematika guru di Indonesia untuk mencerminkan dan memindahkan paradigma lama mereka mengajar. Ini mendorong para guru untuk mengevaluasi kekuatan dan kelemahan dari pendekatan yang berbeda dalam rangka untuk membuat pilihan informasi dan, bila perlu, harus siap untuk mempelajari keterampilan baru dalam kepentingan matematika belajar mengajar yang efektif. Melalui kurikulum baru, guru harus mampu merespon masing-masing anak sebagai kebutuhan yang diidentifikasi karena pengalaman kurikuler yang relevan dan keterampilan anak-anak sangat bervariasi dan mereka butuhkan kemudian di posisi yang lebih baik untuk memanfaatkan layanan dukungan untuk meningkatkan praktik kelas mereka; yang pengelolaan berbagai layanan dukungan harus tersedia untuk memaksimalkan efek mereka dalam membantu guru untuk bekerja menuju praktek-praktek yang baik dan untuk menerapkan kurikulum yang baru. Hal ini juga memberikan kesempatan kepada pejabat pemerintah pendidikan di Indonesia untuk melihat secara mendalam pelaksanaan kurikulum di tingkat kelas kamar. Pemantauan pelaksanaan kurikulum berbasis sekolah menunjukkan bahwa ada faktor-faktor dari siswa, guru dan masyarakat yang belum optimal didukung namun kurikulum baru. Hasil evaluasi pelaksanaan kurikulum baru ini mengajarkan kita bahwa sementara kami beroperasi kurikulum on-akan kita selalu butuh untuk memperbaikinya. Hal ini juga menyarankan bahwa untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan matematika, pemerintah pusat perlu:
(1) mendefinisikan kembali peran guru yaitu mereka harus memfasilitasi 'siswa perlu untuk belajar,
(2) mendefinisikan kembali peran kepala sekolah yaitu mereka harus mendukung pengembangan profesional guru dengan memungkinkan mereka untuk menghadiri dan berpartisipasi dalam ilmiah, pertemuan dan pelatihan,
(3) mendefinisikan kembali peran sekolah yaitu mereka harus mempromosikan manajemen berbasis sekolah,
(4) mendefinisikan kembali peran pengawas yaitu mereka perlu memiliki yang sama latar belakang dengan guru mereka mengawasi agar dapat melakukan supervisi akademik,
(5) mempromosikan kolaborasi yang lebih baik antara sekolah dan universitas
(7) mendefinisikan sistem evaluasi nasional.


By: Dr. Marsigit, M.A.
Reviewed by: Wahyu Sujatmiko (09301244041)

National educational reform can be done at two levels of macro and micro. At the macro level, the national education reform must be able to renew the vision and develop educational paradigm and scrape out the constraints provision of education by maintaining and improving the quality and professionalism and community empowerment towards Indonesia is Indonesia's New open, democratic and united. For an educational practitioners (teachers), reforms education on a macro level for a few things are beyond the reach of his thinking and
ability. However, considering the education of teachers is a critical success, then the teacher can play a role object and subject of educational reform by increasing ability to educate and manage the classroom. But in reality it is not easy to educate because students find that learning is not easy. Still there are gaps that large enough between idealism and practice of educating in the field.
The value of mathematics can be seen from the context of the ontological, epistemological and axiological in limits of intrinsic value, extrinsik and systemic. For a self-learners of mathematics then The lowest value of mathematics is that if only his own use, a higher value if math can be used for public interest. But the highest math scores is if it can be used systemically for the wider interest. But the values mathematics that was developed should be coupled with critical thinking because the math does not others do not is not is the critical thinking itself. The sharpness of mathematics is able dreamy future through a teleological concept that what happens in the future can at least photographed through the present. Nevertheless there are still other values ​​that relation to levels of quality. At first the quality of math scores only appear on the outside, but on the quality of the second and third and so on then the value mathematics is metaphysical. With analog thinking then what happens to disclosure of the value of mathematics can be used also in the disclosure of noble values nation. Bangsadapat virtue achieved return is none other than the method translated and interpreted from the context of the passage of time past, present, and come. This is then known people with hermenitika method.
In the field of education, teachers need to continually evaluate deficiency or advantages of teaching in order to obtain information for improving teaching; if need to learn new techniques are more attractive and effective (Alexander, et al, in Bourne, 1992). For that teachers need to receive encouragement and assistance of the parties mainly related Principal and school inspector, so that they can realize the teaching well: but it is important to the role and functions of Head of School, Supervisors, and Supervisors redefined return to conditions more conducive educational environment for teachers and students to develop themselves. A teacher can reflect the style of teaching good and if the teacher flexible ways of organizing master classes, use of teaching resources, the achievement of teaching according to student ability, development of evaluation systems, handling of individual differences, and achieve a style specific teaching according to need. Required a 'political will' of government to put education back to the essence of 'educate' in accordance with nature 'subject learners' and the nature of 'scientific', so that education is not only seen as something that is 'required' but something that is 'required' by sibelajar, so education is not just look at the subject of students as 'investment' as the subject development but need to be 'developed'.

Senin, 19 September 2011


By: Dr. Marsigit, M.A.
Reviewed by: Wahyu Sujatmiko (09301244041)
Revitalization of mathematics education is an effort in the direction where the practitioners
mathematics education are given the opportunity to conduct self-reflection, for then
faced with multi-entry decision on the basis of the attitude of the in-depth study
towards a new paradigm has to offer.
Recognized that it is not easy to realize
revitalization of education without the awareness and greatness of soul of both the macro and
micro-world of our education.
Otherwise the paradigms mathematics education will remain a utopia that only up to the rhetoric mere.
That teachers are better able to realize the revitalization of the (educational) learning mathematics that fosters the creativity of students, referring to the recommendation Cockroft Report (1982) as well as the elaboration of Ebbut, S and Straker, A (1995), the following is a suggestion that might be useful for teachers in conducting learning mathematics, through the preparation phase, learning phase, and phase
evaluation as follows:
1. Teaching Preparation Phase
• Planning for mathematics learning environment
- Determine the necessary teaching resources
- Plan activities that are flexible
- Plan the physical environment of learning mathematics.
- Involve students in creating a mathematics learning environment
- To develop students' social environment
- Plan activities to work together.
- Encourage students to appreciate each other.
- Browse the feelings of students about mathematics
- To develop mathematical models.
• Plan activities of mathematics
- Plan mathematical activities are balanced in terms of:
matter, time, trouble, activities, etc..
- Plan mathematical activities that are open (open-ended)
- Plan activities according to students' abilities.
- Development of mathematical topics.
- Build mental math.
- When and where help students?
- Use a variety of teaching brag (books vary).
2. Learning Phase
• Develop the role of teacher
- Encourage and develop students' understanding.
- Provide an opportunity for each student to demonstrate ability to do math activities.
- Let students make mistakes.
- Encourage student responsibility for learning.
• Set the time to whom and when doing math
with / not with students
- Develop the students' experience.
- Allocate time.
- Set feedback.
- Regulate the involvement of teachers to students.
- Observe the activities of students
3. Evaluation Phase
• Observing student activities
- What students mastered / not mastered
- What activities the next diperlaukan.
• Evaluate yourself
- What have I done?
- What have I accomplished?
- What lessons can I quote?
- What will I do?
- What I do now?
- From where and what help do I need?
• Assess understanding, processes, skills, facts and results
- Meaning: I want to know if they know?
- Process: I want to know how what they may be used.
- Skills: I want to know which skills they can use?
- Facts: I want to know if they can remember?
- Result: I want to know what can meraka?
• Assess the results and monitor student progress
- Identify the concepts students
- Encourage students to conduct their own assessments.
- Create / use records of student progress.
- Observing what students do.
- Working with others?
- Identifying the necessary assistance.
- Assess aspects of the curriculum